Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 9- Clear

Everyone uses the internet in today's times, but there are some things about the online world that people don't know. For example a URL,which stands for Uniform Resource Locator, has four different parts to it. A protocol, a domain name, a path, and file name. The protocol is the http://part/ of it. tfhe domain name for example would be yahoo and the path would be .com. Finally the file mane would be music/beyonce if thats the page you went to http://www.yahoo.com/music/beyonce. Also, did you know that each specific page on the web has it's own unique web address. This is how the computer knows where to take you.

The web is used for four different reasons. To learn, to feel, to connect, and to trade. Search engines help people to learn about info on the internet. some popular search engines are google, Yahoo, and Bing. Next, to feel on the internet is entertainment. People watch TV on the internet, they check scores for sports , they keep up on all the lastest fashion and celebrity news. I would say much of the use of computers comes from this category. Another is connecting. Social networking is the new telephone, the new reunion, the new newspapar, the new gossip. Facebook, myspace, and twitter are changing the way the world communicates. And last but not least, trade. More and more people are buying online now. You can get things personalized, shipped right to you, and get exactly what you were looking for even though the store was out of stock. Internet technology is changing the culture and the world.

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